Choosing lane conditions for intermediate bowlers

By Bob Learn Jr.
USBC Coaching Specialist

Over time, typical house conditions are likely to get easier and easier for you. When that happens, it's time to consider stepping up to USBC's newest challenge, the Red, White and Blue patterns.

Actually, you'll want to focus on the White and Blue patterns only as the Red pattern is designed to play like the typical house shot you've already mastered. The White and Blue patterns, however, should be more challenging.

The USBC White and Blue house patterns are designed to take away your margin for error. A typical house shot may allow you to miss your mark by as many as seven boards without punishment. The White pattern will trim that margin down to four or five boards, and the Blue pattern scales down to two or three. Obviously, the decreased margin for error will force you to throw better, more consistent shots in order to score.

So, if the typical house shot has grown too easy for you, challenge yourself against the USBC White pattern. Once you've mastered that, try USBC Blue. The key is to keep challenging yourself and improving until you're ready to take on USBC Sport Bowling/PBA Experience conditions, which represent the sport's ultimate challenge!