Average Conversion Chart

Sport and Challenge lane conditions refer to oil patterns designed for league and tournament bowlers who want to compete on more difficult conditions. Sport lane conditions are the same type of lane conditions used on the professional level and in international competitions. To better understand the difference in the patterns used in a Sport or Challenge league versus a typical "house" league, check out the video HERE.

Bowler averages on Sport or Challenge conditions typically will be lower, as confirmed through an analysis of scores from Sport and Challenge leagues and tournaments. In an effort to equalize competition during standard tournaments and leagues, the following average conversion charts have been created.

If a bowler has an established standard average, that average shall be used for standard tournaments and leagues. The conversion charts are not considered a “re-rate” of the bowler. Its purpose is to allow for a fair adjustment to what would be expected of the bowler on a standard league condition. The conversion charts do not supersede the ability of a tournament director to further adjust upward any bowler’s entering average in a tournament per Rule 319c and does not supersede the ability of league board of directors to further adjust upward any bowler's entering average in a league per Rule 118-3.

View this graphic demonstrating the differences in oil patterns and classification. 

Click HERE for the chart to convert Sport, Challenge and Standard averages.

Click HERE for Frequently Asked Questions about the designations.
If you have questions about the Sport Bowling, contact us at sportbowling@bowl.com