Advanced Maneuvers
NEW: Making 'Impossible' Splits
Bowling's hardest shots are actually possible to pick up!
THE VAULT: Advanced ManeuversLofting the Ball
Sometimes it takes a little hang time to get it done.Wrist Position
Fine-tune your roll with these wrist position techniques.Competitive Moves
Get the edge at a high level with these competitive techniques.Making Hard Spares
We cover bowling’s most difficult spare combinations so you can defy the odds.How to Build an Effective Arsenal
The right gear for the right situation. What do you need to compete at the top?Team Maneuvers
Work on these team strategies as a unit and you may be surprised at the results.Advanced Practice
Great practice really can lead to perfection! Get these tips down to elevate your game.Getting to the Next Level
No matter how good you are, there is always room for improvement.Dealing with Drift
Drift can be your worst nightmare and how you learn to deal with it can make all the difference.Reading the Lane
Being able to read the lane accurately is a must for any advanced bowler.Handling Pressure
Carolyn Dorin-Ballard shows you how she deals with high-pressure situations.Stick the Landing
Your finish position gives you all the info you need to analyze your mechanics.High Level Mental Performance
From every decision to every action, your mind is where it all starts.Adjusting Ball Speed
Learn to properly raise or lower your ball speed to make the difference between good and great consistency!Looking for the Perfect Strike
Carefully watch your ball go through the pins before making your adjustment.Advanced Spare Practice
Getting great at spare shooting is a must for bowlers who want to improve.Multi-Pattern Tournaments
When it's tournament time, someone's going to win. Why not you?What's Your Rev Rate?
What is your rev rate and how is it measured?Practice Tools
With any elite level player, it's important to tailor practice to include versatility and challenge.Adjusting Entry Angle
Your chance to strike may increase by learning to adjust your entry angle.Making 'Impossible Splits
Bowling's hardest shots are actually possible to pick up!
Ready to take your game even further? Take it to the next level with in-depth video tips from bowling's best. Check it out