ARC-Association Leadership Academy

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USBC is dedicated to making education and training opportunities available to all associations and, since it's inaugural event in 2017, the USBC Association Leadership Academy (ALA) has been established as one of the vehicles to accomplish that goal. Our purpose is to assist associations in enhancing service to our members and to effectively represent the value of membership.

Each year, we host ALAs at the International Bowling Campus and also take the ALA "on-the-road" hosting events in local markets. After the completion of the 2023 ALAs, a total of 1,187 association leaders from 608 associations have attended 31 events.

2024 Association Leadership Academy Schedule

We are pleased to announce that we set the 2024 schedule for the Association Leadership Academy. They will be held in the following locations and dates:

Feb. 24-25 - Ontario, Calif.
May 4-5 - South Bend, Ind.
Aug. 17-18 - Pittsburgh, Pa. (Just a few spots left!)
Sept. 17-18 - International Bowling Campus in Arlington, Texas
Oct. 19-20 - International Bowling Campus in Arlington, Texas

Invitations will be sent approximately 12 weeks prior to the event to associations within a 250-mile radius of each location that have NOT attended a previous ALA and do NOT attend the USBC Convention. Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.

What is the ALA?

The ALA is a two-day event offering a variety of seminars/workshops that typically mirror those presented at Convention. Click here to see an example of a previous IBC hosted event schedule and here to see an example from an in-market event.

What does it cost to attend an ALA?

Nearly all expenses to attend an ALA are paid by USBC; travel, lodging, meals. We feel it a wise and valuable investment toward the service of our members and a Future for the Sport.

What are attendees saying about their experience?

  • "The weekend leadership event was amazing. In my former career, I was a director at a college and attended several prestigious leadership academies, but this far exceeded what I was anticipating. Plus, I feel like I made 50 new friends. They are an amazing group of people who have a passion for bowling, and that energized me." Doris McAllister - Association Manager, Ashley County USBC
  • “Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was the best seminar I have ever attended. I have so much new information to put into play; I can't wait for our next meeting to be able to share the new knowledge that I have gained from this great experience.” Karen Shaffer - Director, Florida State USBC
  • “Thank you to all of you! You've done an outstanding job with this leadership academy! We learned so much and you have provided us with some amazing tools that will help us greatly. Thank you for the education, fun, laughter and a great time!” Russ Fairchild – Director, Gr Charleston USBC
  • “Thank you for the added gas for the fires that will erupt from all we learned... we are already brainstorming back and forth with ideas... we will definitely be getting in touch soon even if it is to continue to thank everyone... your group is amazing keep up the great work!" Melinda Brown – Vice President, Bronson USBC

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