Weird Bowling Approaches

Weird Bowling Approaches


(Photo on left courtesy of jlollar45)

You may have heard about John Lollar's insane windup while he pitches for Murray State University. While he may have an odd way of pitching, there are even stranger bowling approaches out there. Here are just a few!



Jim Cripps ("The Backwards Bowler")


This guy might take the cake. What started out as a joke quickly blossomed into this Jim's preferred way to bowl.


Wayne Garber


On first glance there's no way this guy's style helps him. His starting position is to lean back with the ball resting on his chest and he takes around 9 steps before he delivers. And yet, Wayne is on ESPN and knocking down those pins.


Mike Fagan (the "King of Swing")


Mike Fagan's approach may not be unorthodox per se, but his massive swing and bent over style are really something fun to watch.


Jason Belmonte


Meet the man who revolutionized two-handed bowling. Jason is world-renowned for his highly successful unorthodox release.