Texas BCA President Declares a Second ‘Independence Day’

Texas Independence Day is commemorated on March 2. That’s the date, in 1836, when historians believe the original copy of the declaration was written and signed by 59 men at Washington-on-the-Brazos. The creation of the revolutionary document prompted settlers to break away from Mexico and found the Republic of Texas.

Now, David Kellerman, President of the Texas Bowling Centers Association, is celebrating Texas Independence Day for another reason. In a letter to TBCA-member proprietors, Kellerman wrote: “I am sure many of you have heard that Governor Abbott is removing all COVID-19 state mandates effective Wednesday, March 10, including the facemask mandate. It is another step closer in getting our centers back to normal.”

Kellerman noted that “COVID-19 has affected every county, every town, every center in a variety of ways. Some are still in hot spots. Some have had very few cases. Governor Abbott did say that the State of Texas was no longer going to mandate how our businesses are run regarding the virus. But ‘Today’s announcement does not abandon safe practices that Texans have mastered over the past year; instead, it is a reminder that each person has a role to play in their own personal safety and the safety of others.’”

Kellerman also cited Governor Abbott’s warning that “If COVID-19 hospitalizations rise above 15% for seven straight days for any hospital region, county judges may opt to impose stricter COVID-19 mitigation strategies — but they cannot impose facemask restrictions or fines.”

While the news is good for Texas bowling center and FEC owners, Kellerman said that proprietors still have some decisions to make beyond simply swinging their doors open.

“Only you know what is best for your guests and employees,” he wrote. “Do you continue to have your employees wear masks? Do you continue to have your guests wear masks? Do you continue to social distance your lanes?”

Kellerman then offered some words of advice: “May I suggest that you give yourself a few days prior to making any decisions. Get the opinions of your employees, regulars and other local business proprietors. As more and more Texans get vaccinated, the decision to relax your safety protocols will be easier to make.”

He concluded his letter by writing: “The future is looking much brighter. We can all be thankful for that.”