Learn more about the Eagle

Already a national symbol, the American eagle immediately was incorporated into the fabric of the United States Bowling Congress Open Championships, appearing on the championship medals at the inaugural event in 1901.
The Eagle, also included in variations of the American Bowling Congress (which later was part of the merger that created the USBC) logo over the years, has remained synonymous with success on the tournament lanes, even as the awards evolved from medals to belt buckles to watches to the Eagle trophies bowlers compete for today.
To competitive bowlers worldwide, the idea of claiming an "Eagle" needs no additional explanation and remains one of the most prestigious accomplishments in the sport of bowling each year.
Beginning in 2017, winners in all three Open Championships divisions now earn a version of the new Eagle trophy and add their names to the tournament record book, which features nearly 120 years of history.
Another great tradition at the Open Championships is recognizing all past champions by placing an orange Eagle, a gold cup or the word "Champion" next to their names on the scoreboard each year they compete.

For many, turning around and seeing this for the first time is the moment the magnitude of the accomplishment finally sinks in.
For others, bowling well doesn't always end with hoisting the coveted Eagle trophy, so an on-site award program was introduced in 1950 to recognize bowlers for reach predetermined score plateaus in team, doubles and individual events.