April 16, 2013 NJ bowler shoots 300, challenges lead at OC Rusty Thomsen of South Amboy, N.J., and his teammates challenged the lead in every category at the USBC Open Championships. He rolled a 300 game in singles.
April 15, 2013 Minnesota competitor bowls 60th OC Maynard Johnson of Crystal, Minn., was the center of attention at the NBS as he celebrated 60 years of participation at the USBC Open Championships.
April 15, 2013 Illinois bowler reaches milestone at 2013 OC Dale Diamond turned his annual tradition into a milestone at the NBS this week as he became the 158th bowler in Open Championships history to reach 50 tournament appearances.
April 12, 2013 2013 WC kicks off in Reno The 2013 USBC Women's Championships got underway at the newly-transformed Reno-Sparks Convention Center as the first of more than 4,200 teams took the lanes.
April 12, 2013 NJ bowler gets second chance, shoots 300 Ken Carson of Clifton, N.J., rolled the eighth perfect game of the 2013 USBC Open Championships. He had 192, 286 and 300 for a 778 series in his team event.
April 11, 2013 Nevada bowler making comeback, takes lead George Atkinson Jr. of Henderson, Nev., took the Classified Singles lead at the USBC Open Championships with a 663 series at the National Bowling Stadium.
April 09, 2013 RSCC ready for '13 Women's Championships After nearly eight weeks of construction, the Reno-Sparks Convention Center is ready to welcome more than 20,000 bowlers for the 2013 USBC Women's Championships.
April 08, 2013 Texas team catapults into TAE lead at 2013 OC Steve Novak posted a 2,153 all-events total and helped Junior Team USA Support 1 into the Team All-Events lead at the 2013 USBC Open with a 10,247 total.
April 08, 2013 New Yorkers tie for Regular Doubles lead Derek Magno and Joe Conti Jr. worked their way into a tie for the lead in Regular Doubles at the USBC Open Championships with a 1,403 total.
April 08, 2013 Colorado bowler rolls 300, takes lead at BJ Shawn Lee rolled the first perfect game of the 2013 Storm Bowlers Journal Championships on his way to a 765 series and the Open Singles lead.