
What is the USBC Athlete Safety Program?

The United States Bowling Congress’ Athlete Safety Program combines the U.S. Center for SafeSport Policies and USBC’s Registered Volunteer Program into one program designed to create awareness about emotional, physical and sexual abuse through education and prevention policies.

The USBC Athlete Safety Program accomplishes three very important goals:

  1. Requires all volunteers who have authority over USBC Youth members to complete a background screen every two years through the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) at a cost of $30 effective Aug. 1, 2020 (a $1.25 processing fee may apply).
  2. Requires adult members 18 years of age or older who bowl in a league with USBC Youth members 17 years of age or younger to complete the U. S. Center for SafeSport training on a yearly basis.
  3. Provides Prevention Policies for adults to adhere to during any certified competition or USBC activity where USBC Youth members are involved.
Who is a required to become a Registered Volunteer?

Anyone 18 years of age or older who has regular contact or authority over USBC Youth members and those individuals within USBC governance structure. Specific roles or positions within USBC require compliance. Those roles are:

  • USBC headquarters employees
  • USBC National Board and Youth Committee members
  • USBC Team USA and Junior Team USA Members
  • State and Local Youth Committee members and directors
  • State and Local Association Board members
  • State and Local Association Managers
  • USBC league officers in leagues with members age 17 or under
  • USBC Youth tournament managers
  • USBC trained coaches
  • SMART providers

Athlete Safety/RVP Handbook
SafeSport Code
Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017
Policy Explanation and CAQs
Event Quality Control System

(MAAPP can be found in the USBC Athlete Safety/RVP Handbook under Section III)

Episode 1 - Why MAAPP is Important
Episode 2 - In-Program Contact and One-on-One Policy
Episode 3 - Electronic Communications
Episode 4 - Transportation and Lodging
Episode 5 - Locker Rooms and Athletic Training
Episode 6 - Summary 

General questions
Phone: 800-514-2695, ext. 8955