We value our captains and want to reward you for your hard work. You determine which level you want to reach. Reach new levels today!
Learn about all the benefits below!
2025 Captain's Club benefits at the USBC Open Championships include (number of registered teams to obtain level):

Bronze (5-9 registered teams)
- Priority check-in
- Advance access to select 2026 dates
- Locker access
- $10 Uber gift card
- Captain's Club umbrella

Silver (10-14 registered teams)
- All "Bronze" benefits listed above plus all that follows:
- $50 discount for Bowling Ball Express ($25 each way)
- Photo package (doubles picture and participation card)
- One singles entry into the Bowlers Journal Championships
- $25 Visa gift card
- $25 Starbucks gift card

Gold (15-19 registered teams)
- All "Silver" benefits listed above plus all that follows:
- $30 gift certificate to the USBC Bowling Store
- $50 Visa gift card (this replaces the $25 Visa gift card at the Silver level)
- BowlTV annual subscription
- Two free room nights at host hotel (Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center)

Platinum (20+ registered teams)
- All "Gold" benefits listed above plus all that follows:
- Delicious Garrett Popcorn
- $400 airfare travel voucher