About Your Membership
Adult Standard
- An official USBC membership card
- A certified USBC average
- Access to local, state and national tournaments
- Access to BOWL.com's Find A Member
- Eligible for lifetime honor score awards
- Access to the USBC Member Rewards program, offering you discounts and savings on hundreds of everyday items
- For certified leagues of 16 sessions or less
- A certified USBC average
- Access to local, state and national tournaments
- Purchasable lifetime honor score awards
- Access to the USBC Member Rewards program
- An official USBC Youth membership card
- A certified USBC average
- The ability to participate in local, state and national tournaments
- The ability to apply for USBC scholarships
- Eligible to purchase USBC High Score Awards
- USBC Junior Gold membership card
- Opportunity to compete in the Junior Gold Championships qualifiers
- Gold Approach e-newsletter
- Membership gift
Junior Gold U15/U20
- USBC Junior Gold membership card
- Opportunity to compete in the Junior Gold Championships qualifiers
- Gold Approach e-newsletter
- Membership gift
- A Bowlopolis DVD
- Bowlopolis progress card with award stickers
- Bowling basics instructional guide
- Membership in the Bowlopolis Kids Club
- A copy of an issue of Bowlopolis, The Mag