Director through July 31, 2026
Elected by delegates
Glenda Beckett of Palmetto Bay, Florida, has been on the USBC Board since the 2020-2021 season. She currently serves on the Awards and Recognition, Nominating and Legal and Legislative Committees. Beckett is the Greater Miami USBC Association Manager since 2012 and has served the association in various roles, including first vice president and tournament manager, since 2001. She has been a Florida State USBC board member since 2018, serving as the Legal and Legislative Committee chair and a member of the Charity, Budget/Audit, Nominating and Policies and Procedures committees. The Florida State USBC WBA honored her with the 2017 Pilar Cohalla Award for outstanding service, and she was inducted into the Greater Miami USBC Hall of Fame for meritorious service in 2014. She received the Greater Miami WBA Outstanding Service Award in 2006 and was awarded Most Powerful Female Marketing Executive by the Dan Marino Charity Golf Tournament in 1999. Beckett retired from AT&T/Lucent Technologies in 2001, having worked as executive assistant to the president for the Caribbean and Latin America region.