Association eNews: Dec. 22, 2011

System maintenance scheduled for Dec. 28
The USBC Headquarters computer system will undergo maintenance on Wednesday, Dec. 28, from 7 a.m.-9 a.m. (Eastern). During this time, the following applications will not be available:
Associate Membership (Join USBC)
USBC Search (Find A Member, Find A Center, etc.)
Bowl53s and General Inquiry Menu (the bowling pin icon)
Bowler TRAC
Center Certification and Maintenance
Coaches Association Registration
College Bowling
High School Bowling Team Registration
League Standing Sheets
Online Membership Processing (Youth)
Online Tournament Registration and Maintenance
Online Championships Team Registrations (2012 Open/2012 Women’s)
SMART (including Online Accounts/Administration)
Sport Bowling - League, Tournament/Center Registration, Search Pages
Supply Orders
WinLABS (including AWARDS)
Youth Open Tournament Registration
USBC announces executive-level promotions and restructuring
United States Bowling Congress Executive Director Stu Upson announced he will expand and restructure the USBC executive team, promoting three staff members to newly-created roles. The changes will be effective January 1, 2012, and include a position designed to oversee logistics and operations of USBC programs.
Eric Kearney will assume the role of Managing Director of Operations and Administration, Mike Spridco is promoted to Managing Director of Rules and Association Services and Jason Overstreet will become Managing Director of Communications.
Kearney, who recently earned his master’s degree in business administration, now will oversee operations and project management for the organization in addition to his duties managing diversity, education, affinity relationships and staffing of the International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame.
Spridco will continue to manage USBC’s rules and bonding department, while gaining new oversight related to association operations. Overstreet continues his responsibility overseeing public relations and publications and will play a major role in USBC’s live streaming initiative.
As part of the restructuring, Pete Tredwell’s role will change to Managing Director of Media and Events. Tredwell will continue to manage and video production, while adding oversight of USBC Convention and several short-duration tournaments, including the USBC Masters and Queens. Chad Murphy’s title will become International Bowling Campus Managing Director of Youth Development, reporting to both Upson and Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America Executive Director Steve Johnson.
Showcase lanes newest addition to USBC Open Championships
Bowlers headed to the 2012 USBC Open Championships in Baton Rouge, La., will have the opportunity to practice on the same oil pattern and lane surface being featured on the main tournament lanes at the Baton Rouge River Center.
In addition to the 48 lanes that will be constructed on the ground floor of the River Center for the Open Championships, USBC will build four showcase lanes on the venue's second level.
Competitors will be able to book one-hour practice sessions, so they can loosen up and try out their equipment or game plans before their nine games of Open Championships competition.
At the start of the tournament each year, the lane condition traditionally is posted on and is available for download and use in bowling centers across the country to help bowlers prepare. But matching the oil, lane machine, lane surface and environment are proven challenges. Being able to practice on lanes maintained by the event staff, and so close to the tournament action, will provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity.
As a bonus for 2012, the tournament lane condition will be unveiled and discussed live on BowlTV as part of the Open Championships Kickoff 2012, a live streaming event from the River Center on Friday, Feb. 10.
Along with being able to simply practice on the tournament condition, bowlers will have the chance to receive feedback from international coach Bill Hall, who also has found success as an inventor, ball driller and bowling writer.
Hall will be available by appointment from 1-9 p.m. each day for the duration of the Open Championships (schedule subject to change), which will run for 151 consecutive days from Feb. 11 until July 10. Each one-hour coaching session will include game and equipment analysis and tips on how to succeed at the 2012 Open Championships.
Other interested bowlers will be able to use the lanes by reservation or based on availability.
For more information about the showcase lanes, click here.
To reserve your coaching or practice times, call (866) 977-7433 or email
IBC Youth Update
Junior Gold
With average requirements no longer in place and four separate divisions for youth, any and all current USBC Youth Standard members are eligible to become a USBC Junior Gold Member and bowl in a North Pointe Junior Gold Championships qualifying event. Junior Gold membership is also now available for purchase online by going to and selecting Junior Gold.
Youth Open
2012 USBC Youth Open registration is now live on When registering, required information includes the number of bowlers participating in each event as well and the dates and times the bowlers wish to bowl each event.
Other important dates for the Youth Open are as follows:
April 1, 2012 – Reservations still accepted, but full fees must accompany reservation.
July 8, 2012 – Online registration closes. On-site entries only will be accepted.
July 28, 2012 – Entries for the Youth Open are closed.
International Bowling Campus closings
In observance of the holiday season, the IBC will be closed the following dates:
Friday, December 23rd
Monday, December 26th
Monday, January 2nd
There will not be an eNews next week so we would like to take this time to thank each and every one of you for all you do for USBC. We sincerely hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season and look forwarding to working with you in 2012.