Clarksville brings high scores after two rounds of qualifying, Zavjalova takes the lead

CLARKSVILLE, Ind. – Latvia’s Diana Zavjalova averaged over 238 over 12 games and leads the Professional Women’s Bowling Association Tour Southern Indiana Open at Blackiston Bowl in Clarksville, Indiana.
On a day with multiple 300s and 299s, Zavjalova stayed above the other competitors with a steady day, having only one game under 200 and a high game of 278 to end the day with a 12-game total of 2,865. She had an idea that she would bowl well on the 36-foot oil pattern.
“I had a feeling I was going to bowl well because last year when I won in Iowa (at the Waterloo Open) it was the same distance pattern and I felt comfortable coming in with a similar gameplan,” said Zavjalova. “I have to stay as far right as I can and be aggressive.”
Just below Zavjalova in second was Singapore’s Cherie Tan at 2,851 as she looks for her fourth straight stepladder appearance after making all three shows at the Classic Series – Nashville. Lauren Russo of Ballwin, Missouri (2,844), Ukraine’s Dasha Kovalova (2,841) and Singapore’s New Hui Fen (2,835) hold spots three through five, respectively, heading into the third round of qualifying.
In the top 10 respectively is Shannon Pluhowsky of Dayton, Ohio (2,836); Erin McCarthy of Elkhorn, Nebraska (2,819); Malaysia’s Sin Li Jane (2,767); Liz Kuhlkin of Schenectady, New York (2,737) and Jordan Richard of Tipton, Michigan. The final spot for tomorrow’s third round of qualifying belonged to Carlene Beyer of Ogdensburg, Wisconsin, getting in with a 2,617 total.
There were three 300s bowled in the first 12 games of competition, as McCarthy had one to start the day in Game 1, Sydney Brummett of Fort Wayne, Indiana, ended the Round 1 with one in Game 6, while Indonesia’s Tannya Roumimper shot her perfect game in Game 10.
The atmosphere in the building was tense every game as it felt like every shot was the difference between making the cut and leaving empty handed with how high the scores were. Zavjalova wasn’t locked into the lead until the very last frame and Beyer didn’t know she was in until the announcement was made. As a first-time PWBA stop in Clarksville, the local community came out in full support and helped keep the energy high.
That energy will be needed for Saturday’s final two round of qualifying and stepladder finals, with Round 3 starting at 9 a.m. Eastern. After that, a cut to the top 12 will be made for the final round of qualifying at 2 p.m. Eastern. Once that fourth round is completed, the top five will advance to the stepladder finals at 6:30 p.m. Eastern. All rounds will be streamed live on BowlTV.