Fans react to Kulick's victory

As Kelly Kulick was making history Sunday afternoon by winning the Professional Bowlers Association Tournament of Champions, bowlers across the country sat on the edge of their seat as they watched it unfold.

The more strikes Kulick threw in her 265-195 victory over Chris Barnes, the more social networking sites like Facebook lit up with comments about what was happening.

Once Kulick had locked up her place in sports history, even more bowling fans headed online to talk about and dissect what had just transpired.

Even search giant Google was inundated with people looking for more information on Kulick. In fact, "Kelly Kulick" was the top search on Google shortly after she won, topping Google Trends at about 2 p.m. EST Sunday. She is still listed as a "volcanic" search term on Google's hotness scale.

After her victory had some time to sink in, the United States Bowling Congress asked its Facebook fans what they thought about Kulick's victory and what it meant for the sport of bowling. Here's a small sample of their responses.

"(Kulick's victory) means that my daughters and all the other little girls who love to bowl actually have something tangible to aspire to because Kelly broke the glass ceiling that said they couldn't. The sport of bowling has now entered the 21st Century where ALL bowlers are created and treated ... equal." - Melissa Thompson

"Kelly's win means so much to the sport. This can bring some much needed recognition to the sport for women, can inspire young girls in all sports to go for it regardless of what gender the sport typically favors, and can motivate a lot of women who have been hesitant to go for it in the sport of bowling. Congrats to Kelly, and a huge thank you for opening some more doors for us all!" - Jessica Dinunzi Jones

"She is an awesome bowler and very humble. This should show everyone that women are just as good at this sport as the men and should be recognized for their dedication to the sport." - Shirley Frechette

"Outstanding Kelly. When the women's tour comes back, we have got to support it. Hear that sponsors?" - Gary Royster

"Women's bowling (has) taken a huge step forward and this will lead to more women becoming PBA members and being a major part of the PBA tour." - Lyle Worsley

"It's about time we have a tour for (women). They have proven they are worth the effort. She is a great player and there are more out there that deserve a chance - not just against the PBA players." - Cina Goodwin

"It was so special to be able to watch this historical moment with my 10 year old daughter! For all the girl bowlers out there - this will be a moment that they will remember and a dream that they will shoot for!" - Denise Tenyer

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