Four USBC Board nominees selected

Incumbent Director Carolyn Dorin-Ballard, former USBC President Michael Carroll and newcomers Deanna Rose and Mark Martin form the 2010 slate of candidates for the United States Bowling Congress Board of Directors.
The four are the first to be selected by the USBC Nominating Committee under a new procedure approved by the USBC Board that only recommends one candidate for each open position. Additional candidates may still run from the floor and have equal access to the process.
"The reason for the procedural change is to give delegates a stronger indication about which candidates the nominating committee feels will be the best fit for the board," said USBC Board Secretary and Policy Manual Committee Chair Tamoria Adams. "Delegates will still have a diverse group of candidates to choose from at this year's convention."
Dorin-Ballard, Keller, Texas, was elected to a three-year term in 2007. Carroll, Huntington, W.Va., an original USBC Board member who served as the organization's first president from 2004-07, did not earn re-election in 2009. Rose, Fairport, N.Y., also was on the 2009 slate while Martin, Detroit, is being considered for the first time under USBC after serving on the American Bowling Congress Board of Directors its final two years.
Current USBC Board members Stephen Moehrle and James Peters are not seeking re-election while current board member Michael Italia was not selected by the Nominating Committee.
"Many non-profit and for-profit organizations slate the same number of candidates as open board spots," Adams said. "USBC is now being consistent with a proven business practice and allowing the committee to select the best candidates based on the skills needed to help the organization."
Slating one candidate per open position is one of several changes in the process approved by the Board of Directors. Other changes include:
*The Nominating Committee will be made up of seven board members beginning
in the 2010-11 season.
*Any person wishing to be nominated from the floor needs to notify the
Nominating Committee by March 1 in order to be included in the Meet the
Candidates sessions at the convention.
*Floor candidates not meeting the March 1 deadline may still run this year by providing at least 24 hours notice ahead of the Annual Meeting.
*The Meet the Candidates forum will move from the business meeting to the
morning of April 30.
USBC Convention delegates will vote on the four open positions, May 1 in Reno, Nev. Biographies of the candidates will be available on no later than the end of March.