Johnson battles Turner at the 1993 U.S. National Amateur Championship

In this first installment of a weekly series that will take a look back at historical moments from various USBC Championship events over the years, second seed Liz Johnson battles top seed Tammy Turner for the prestigious U.S. National Amateur Championship in 1993. Johnson would go on to greater fame in the years ahead, of course, becoming the first woman ever to reach the televised finals of a PBA event at the 2005 Banquet Open and winning two U.S. Women's Open titles. But in 1993 she was the reigning Collegiate Player of the Year vying for a spot on Team USA and, with a U.S. National Amateur Championship title, the opportunity to bowl the World Cup. But in her opponent Tammy Turner, known today as Tammy Boomershine, Johnson faced the reigning BWAA Amateur Bowler of the Year, and someone who would make one of the more storied comebacks in recent bowling history when she won the 2009 U.S. Women's Open after a debilitating back injury derailed her budding career.

Click the video below to watch how this historic clash of women's bowling titans unfolded that day in 1993. And be sure to check out the Team USA Trials page to learn how you can compete for a spot on Team USA. For the Team USA Trials entry form, click here.