Mark Roth Released from Hospital Following Heart Attack

PBA legend Mark Roth was released from a New York hospital Monday afternoon following the heart attack the 34-time PBA Tour champion suffered in April, his wife Denise confirmed today.

"Mark was released into a rehab facility yesterday for four to six weeks. He can't walk as of right now, as normal after these setbacks plus the weakness already there from the Stroke on his left side," Denise told BJI, alluding the the stroke that paralyzed the left side of Roth's body on May 31, 2009, compounding other preexisting health challenges such as heart disease and diabetes.

"Rehab has proven over the 10 years of his many health issues to get him up and moving and walking, thank heavens," Denise added. "Mark seems to have things happen very quickly. Thank God he's able to keep fighting his terrible diabetes and heart disease."

Denise originally revealed in a May 2 Facebook post that the 68-year-old had suffered a heart attack more than a week earlier, saying at the time that he was "improving but weak and needs rest" and asking for "prayers and positive thoughts" from the bowling community.