Museum's Reichert Center will help educate

Leaving the Bowling Reaches Out section of the new International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame, visitors will have a special place to learn all about the sport while honoring one of its true pioneers.

The Jack Reichert Education and Learning Center will be where school children, high school and college students and historians of any age will quietly be able to discover the history of bowling through a variety of printed and visual research tools.

"There will be books, videos and computer desks available for schools to teach the history of the sport," said IBM/HF Executive Director Bill Supper. "We'll have places for people to sit and do research like at a library. And there will be a work table, two computer stations and a LCD projector for schools to do PowerPoints or videos."

Reichert, a member of the United States Bowling Congress Hall of Fame since 1998 and Professional Bowlers Association Hall of Fame since 1992, was the longtime chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the Brunswick Corporation. In addition to providing leadership to guide his company's growth in the bowling and recreation industry, he led the effort to promote bowling as a medal sport in the Olympics. He later served on the boards of directors of Strike Ten Entertainment and the Professional Bowlers Association until his death in 2004.

The Reichert Education and Learning Center is being made possible by a grant from the Reichert Family.

"The room originally was going to be called the Jack Reichert Library but in line with the Jack Reichert Foundation being all about education and learning, we changed the name," Supper said. "This will be far more than just a library.

"It will not just be for young kids. High school and college students will be able to do their papers and thesis in it."

A large, rounded wall that serves as the back part of the Hall of Fame section is expected to include a wide-angle photo of the National Bowling Stadium in Reno, Nev. Reichert and former Brunswick vice-president Jim Bennett were instrumental in that facility being built.

The Reichert Library is scheduled to open Jan. 25 with the rest of the IBM/HF.