Oct. 16 is Deadline for 2020 BJI Architecture & Design Awards; Submission Form Now Available

Oct. 16 Is Deadline for BJI Design Awards Competition No one needs to be told that 2020 has provided the bowling industry with far more opportunity for stress than celebration. As readers of Bowlers Journal International will see in the August issue, however, the accomplishments of 15 pro-bowling greats are indeed celebrated through inclusion on the 82nd annual BJI All-American Teams.
Now, BJI editors turn their sights to another annual initiative that should provide the industry with a needed escape from COVID-related doom-and-gloom: the 2020 BJI Architecture & Design Awards.
That initiative, typically the star of BJI's November issue each year, will be pushed back a month in 2020 to allow designers, architects and proprietors extra time to gather material for their entries. Hey, you have had more than enough on your plate in this pandemic-stricken year without another pressing deadline to meet, right?
So look for the 2020 BJI Architecture & Design Awards winners and honorable mentions to be announced in the magazine's December issue. Entrants will have until Friday, Oct. 16 to send in their materials; projects must have been completed after Sept. 13, 2019.
As always, those interested in having their projects considered in this year's contest may enter either by sending their materials directly to the editor at bjieditor@gmail.com or by regular mail to Bowlers Journal International, 55 E. Jackson Blvd., Suite 401, Chicago, IL 60604.
Entrants will want to ensure they are sending in the very best photography of their projects that they possibly can gather. Art must be high-res (print-quality; 300 dpi minimum). Given the large file sizes of high-res photos, those sending electronic submissions are encouraged to send photography using a file-sharing platform such as Dropbox or any file-sharing service of their choice. Regular-mail submissions should include art on a thumb drive, CD or other storage device.
Entrants are encouraged to include with their submissions any discussion of ways in which COVID-19 impacted or altered the design of their projects, as that reality promises to be a substantial focus of this year's BJI Architecture & Design Awards feature.