Program announcements and legislative session highlight 2010 USBC Annual Meeting
May 01, 2010

RENO, Nev. - Member delegates heard announcements about program changes, voted on two dozen legislative proposals and elected four members to the USBC Board of Directors during the 2010 USBC Annual Meeting.
Headlining announcements made during the meeting was news of the creation of a new independent corporation to oversee and manage SMART (Scholarship Management and Accounting Reports for Tenpins) funds. The corporation will have its own board of directors comprised of bowling industry leaders with financial backgrounds.
"This corporation was created to have a total focus on the care of SMART funds and promote youth bowling scholarships," USBC President Jeff Boje‚ said. "This board will remain consistent with people eminently qualified to manage those funds."
USBC Executive Director Stu Upson detailed several program changes designed to improve the overall financial strength of the organization.
"USBC must build reserves in order to strengthen our position to invest in the sport in the future," Upson said. "We need the membership to support our program changes this year, while USBC develops vastly new products and benefits for bowlers."
Some of the program changes Upson discussed include:
* USBC will offer a new credit card partnership with Nationwide that gives card users free USBC national membership and other bowling-related benefits.
* USBC will put the U.S. Women's Open on hiatus for 2011.
* U.S. Bowler magazine will be an electronic-only publication, while U.S. Youth Bowler will continue to be mailed to homes.
* The 2011 USBC Intercollegiate Team Championships will be broadcast exclusively on
Delegates approve eight proposals and reject 16.
The most discussed item of the legislative session by the 1,049 voting delegates related to proposal B-7, which would have given the USBC Board of Directors authority to change bylaws. The proposal required a two-thirds majority for passage and was rejected. Overall, delegates approved eight amendments and rejected 16.
Two incumbents, two newcomers elected to USBC Board of Directors
Current USBC directors Carolyn Dorin-Ballard, Keller, Texas, and Michael Italia, Warrington, Pa., joined newcomers Mark Martin, Waterford, Mich., and Deanna Rose, Fairport, N.Y., in being elected to the USBC Board of Directors by the delegates attending the Annual Meeting. All were elected on the first ballot with 956 ballots cast.
Dorin-Ballard had 787 votes, Italia 623; Martin 507; Rose 486; Bill Vint, East Troy, Wisc., 413; Michael Carroll, Huntington, W.Va., 407; Dale Bohn, Collinsville, Ill., 205; Steve Kaplan, Monroe, N.J., 158; Gary Anderson, Taylors, S.C., 119.
Baker named USBC president
Darlene Baker, Mahomet, Ill., was named USBC president at the Annual Meeting. She is the first female president in the history of the organization. Baker will begin her term Aug. 1. The remaining board officers will be announced following the June board meeting.
USBC raises nearly $2 million for charity
USBC once again generated significant financial support for charity. USBC Bowl For The Cure led to a more than $1.1 million donation to Susan G. Komen For The Cure at the 2010 meeting. Contributions to Bowlers to Veterans Link from USBC were nearly $826,000, an increase of more than $100,000 from the previous year.
Results of 2010 USBC Annual Meeting Legislative Session
League Rules
Amendment No. LR1 (Rejected)
Rule 100h. Senior
Deletes the rule related to senior leagues.
Amendment No. LR2 (Approved)
Rule 102c. Duties of the President, Item 3
Requires bank statements to be sent to the president.
Amendment No. LR3 (Approved)
Rule 102f. Duties of the Treasurer, Item 7
Changes the time frame for retaining treasurer records from 120 days to one year from completion of the season.
Amendment No. LR4 (Rejected)
Rule 105. Absentee and Vacancy Scores
Allows for individuals on a team to bowl baker format for one absentee or one vacancy score if the team is comprised of three, four or five players.
Amendment No. LR5 (Approved)
Rule 106a. Series - How Bowled
Allows for each game or frame to be bowled on a different pair of lanes.
Amendment No. LR6 (Approved)
Rule 111c.
Gives leagues more flexibility for requesting pre/post bowling.
Amendment No. LR7 (Rejected)
Rule 111f. Time Limit for Bowling
Restricts a league from adopting a rule that requires less than 15 days to pre- or post-bowl unopposed.
Tournament Rules
Amendment No. TR1 (Rejected)
Rule 315. Multiple Participation
Allows individuals to place more than once unless the tournament has a rule otherwise.
Amendment No. TR2 (Approved)
Rule 319a. Conditions that Apply
Treats all averages, including summer averages the same.
Amendment No. TR3 (Rejected)
Rule 319a. Conditions that Apply
Requires bowlers to report their current average if it is higher than their previous season's book average, not just the 10 pin increase.
Amendment No. TR4 (Rejected)
Rule 319a. Conditions that Apply
Requires bowlers to use a composite average of all leagues if higher than the bowler's highest 21 game average.
Amendment No. TR5 (Rejected)
Rule 319e. Average Adjustment for Entry
Requires bowlers to report their 21 game tournament average if it is higher than their highest USBC average.
Amendment No. TR6 (Approved)
Rule 320a. Two Lanes Required
Allows for each tournament game or frame to be bowled on a different pair of lanes.
Amendment No. TR7 (Approved)
Rule 329. Protests and Appeals
Changes the time frame for protesting rule infractions to 72 hours and the time frame for appealing tournament management's decision to 10 days.
USBC National Bylaws
Amendment No. B1 (Approved)
Article VI, Meetings
Section A. Annual Meeting, Item 2
Provides for electronic balloting as the final system used for voting, unless the president determines the circumstances require a different method.
Amendment No. B2 (Rejected)
Article II, Purposes
Section B. Chartering State and Local Bowling Associations
Requires non-merged local associations to be merged by Aug. 1, 2012. (Amended)
Amendment No. B3 (Rejected)
Article III, Membership and Dues
Section B. Dues
Raises state and local dues maximums in the same increments as national.
Amendment No. B4 (Rejected)
Article III, Membership and Dues
Section B. Dues
Changes maximum USBC adult state membership dues from $1 to $5.
Amendment No. B5 (Rejected)
Article III, Membership and Dues
Section B. Dues
Changes maximum USBC adult membership dues from $10 to $15. Changes maximum state adult membership dues from $1 to $2 if the association is merged adults. Changes maximum state adult membership dues from $1 to $3 if the association is merged adult and youth.
Amendment No. B6 (Rejected)
Article IV, Board of Directors
Section B. Election, Item 2
Changes requirement for credentials to be filed with USBC from 24 hours to 90 days.
Amendment No. B7 (Rejected)
Article IV, Board of Directors
Section E. Authority and Duties, Item 14
Gives the board the authority to make important decisions any time of the year.
Amendment No. B8 (Rejected)
Article VI, Meetings
Section A. Annual Meeting, Item 3(b), Elections
Allows affiliate associations to have delegates and voting rights at the Annual Meeting.
Amendment No. B9 (Rejected)
Article VIII, Amendments
Allows legislation for General Playing Rules, League Rules and Tournament Rules to be conducted in even-numbered years.
Amendment No. B10 (Rejected)
National Bylaws
Changes the national bylaws
Resolution for Articles of Incorporation (Withdrawn)
Gives the board the authority to make important decisions any time of the year.
United States Bowling Congress
The United States Bowling Congress, as the national governing body, ensures the integrity and protects the future of the sport, provides programs and services to more than two million adult and youth members and enhances the bowling experience.
Headlining announcements made during the meeting was news of the creation of a new independent corporation to oversee and manage SMART (Scholarship Management and Accounting Reports for Tenpins) funds. The corporation will have its own board of directors comprised of bowling industry leaders with financial backgrounds.
"This corporation was created to have a total focus on the care of SMART funds and promote youth bowling scholarships," USBC President Jeff Boje‚ said. "This board will remain consistent with people eminently qualified to manage those funds."
USBC Executive Director Stu Upson detailed several program changes designed to improve the overall financial strength of the organization.
"USBC must build reserves in order to strengthen our position to invest in the sport in the future," Upson said. "We need the membership to support our program changes this year, while USBC develops vastly new products and benefits for bowlers."
Some of the program changes Upson discussed include:
* USBC will offer a new credit card partnership with Nationwide that gives card users free USBC national membership and other bowling-related benefits.
* USBC will put the U.S. Women's Open on hiatus for 2011.
* U.S. Bowler magazine will be an electronic-only publication, while U.S. Youth Bowler will continue to be mailed to homes.
* The 2011 USBC Intercollegiate Team Championships will be broadcast exclusively on
Delegates approve eight proposals and reject 16.
The most discussed item of the legislative session by the 1,049 voting delegates related to proposal B-7, which would have given the USBC Board of Directors authority to change bylaws. The proposal required a two-thirds majority for passage and was rejected. Overall, delegates approved eight amendments and rejected 16.
Two incumbents, two newcomers elected to USBC Board of Directors
Current USBC directors Carolyn Dorin-Ballard, Keller, Texas, and Michael Italia, Warrington, Pa., joined newcomers Mark Martin, Waterford, Mich., and Deanna Rose, Fairport, N.Y., in being elected to the USBC Board of Directors by the delegates attending the Annual Meeting. All were elected on the first ballot with 956 ballots cast.
Dorin-Ballard had 787 votes, Italia 623; Martin 507; Rose 486; Bill Vint, East Troy, Wisc., 413; Michael Carroll, Huntington, W.Va., 407; Dale Bohn, Collinsville, Ill., 205; Steve Kaplan, Monroe, N.J., 158; Gary Anderson, Taylors, S.C., 119.
Baker named USBC president
Darlene Baker, Mahomet, Ill., was named USBC president at the Annual Meeting. She is the first female president in the history of the organization. Baker will begin her term Aug. 1. The remaining board officers will be announced following the June board meeting.
USBC raises nearly $2 million for charity
USBC once again generated significant financial support for charity. USBC Bowl For The Cure led to a more than $1.1 million donation to Susan G. Komen For The Cure at the 2010 meeting. Contributions to Bowlers to Veterans Link from USBC were nearly $826,000, an increase of more than $100,000 from the previous year.
Results of 2010 USBC Annual Meeting Legislative Session
League Rules
Amendment No. LR1 (Rejected)
Rule 100h. Senior
Deletes the rule related to senior leagues.
Amendment No. LR2 (Approved)
Rule 102c. Duties of the President, Item 3
Requires bank statements to be sent to the president.
Amendment No. LR3 (Approved)
Rule 102f. Duties of the Treasurer, Item 7
Changes the time frame for retaining treasurer records from 120 days to one year from completion of the season.
Amendment No. LR4 (Rejected)
Rule 105. Absentee and Vacancy Scores
Allows for individuals on a team to bowl baker format for one absentee or one vacancy score if the team is comprised of three, four or five players.
Amendment No. LR5 (Approved)
Rule 106a. Series - How Bowled
Allows for each game or frame to be bowled on a different pair of lanes.
Amendment No. LR6 (Approved)
Rule 111c.
Gives leagues more flexibility for requesting pre/post bowling.
Amendment No. LR7 (Rejected)
Rule 111f. Time Limit for Bowling
Restricts a league from adopting a rule that requires less than 15 days to pre- or post-bowl unopposed.
Tournament Rules
Amendment No. TR1 (Rejected)
Rule 315. Multiple Participation
Allows individuals to place more than once unless the tournament has a rule otherwise.
Amendment No. TR2 (Approved)
Rule 319a. Conditions that Apply
Treats all averages, including summer averages the same.
Amendment No. TR3 (Rejected)
Rule 319a. Conditions that Apply
Requires bowlers to report their current average if it is higher than their previous season's book average, not just the 10 pin increase.
Amendment No. TR4 (Rejected)
Rule 319a. Conditions that Apply
Requires bowlers to use a composite average of all leagues if higher than the bowler's highest 21 game average.
Amendment No. TR5 (Rejected)
Rule 319e. Average Adjustment for Entry
Requires bowlers to report their 21 game tournament average if it is higher than their highest USBC average.
Amendment No. TR6 (Approved)
Rule 320a. Two Lanes Required
Allows for each tournament game or frame to be bowled on a different pair of lanes.
Amendment No. TR7 (Approved)
Rule 329. Protests and Appeals
Changes the time frame for protesting rule infractions to 72 hours and the time frame for appealing tournament management's decision to 10 days.
USBC National Bylaws
Amendment No. B1 (Approved)
Article VI, Meetings
Section A. Annual Meeting, Item 2
Provides for electronic balloting as the final system used for voting, unless the president determines the circumstances require a different method.
Amendment No. B2 (Rejected)
Article II, Purposes
Section B. Chartering State and Local Bowling Associations
Requires non-merged local associations to be merged by Aug. 1, 2012. (Amended)
Amendment No. B3 (Rejected)
Article III, Membership and Dues
Section B. Dues
Raises state and local dues maximums in the same increments as national.
Amendment No. B4 (Rejected)
Article III, Membership and Dues
Section B. Dues
Changes maximum USBC adult state membership dues from $1 to $5.
Amendment No. B5 (Rejected)
Article III, Membership and Dues
Section B. Dues
Changes maximum USBC adult membership dues from $10 to $15. Changes maximum state adult membership dues from $1 to $2 if the association is merged adults. Changes maximum state adult membership dues from $1 to $3 if the association is merged adult and youth.
Amendment No. B6 (Rejected)
Article IV, Board of Directors
Section B. Election, Item 2
Changes requirement for credentials to be filed with USBC from 24 hours to 90 days.
Amendment No. B7 (Rejected)
Article IV, Board of Directors
Section E. Authority and Duties, Item 14
Gives the board the authority to make important decisions any time of the year.
Amendment No. B8 (Rejected)
Article VI, Meetings
Section A. Annual Meeting, Item 3(b), Elections
Allows affiliate associations to have delegates and voting rights at the Annual Meeting.
Amendment No. B9 (Rejected)
Article VIII, Amendments
Allows legislation for General Playing Rules, League Rules and Tournament Rules to be conducted in even-numbered years.
Amendment No. B10 (Rejected)
National Bylaws
Changes the national bylaws
Resolution for Articles of Incorporation (Withdrawn)
Gives the board the authority to make important decisions any time of the year.
United States Bowling Congress
The United States Bowling Congress, as the national governing body, ensures the integrity and protects the future of the sport, provides programs and services to more than two million adult and youth members and enhances the bowling experience.