Setup Tips for Elite Bowlers
July 06, 2009

By Bryan O'Keefe
USBC Coaching Specialist
Success at this level requires the ability to manipulate just about every aspect of when, where and how your bowling ball reads the lane. You can become more adept at doing so by getting used to making changes to your pre-shot ball height.
For elite bowlers like you, foot speed equals ball speed; therefore, if you lower the height of your ball, the ball will get into the swing a little earlier, forcing your feet to naturally speed up in order to continue in your natural timing. The increase in foot speed will translate into an increase in ball speed.
Conversely, if you raise the height or your ball, it will take longer to get into your swing, so you will have to slow your feet down to remain in time. When your feet slow down, your ball slows down.
During practice, spend some time tinkering around with different ball-placement heights, and see if you can also manipulate your rev rate up and down at the same time. Remember, conquering elite lane conditions means throwing hard and straight one day and slow hooking it the next. Get comfortable making changes to your pre-shot ball height, and you'll soon find yourself ready to execute whatever type of shot the lane conditions demand.
USBC Coaching Specialist
Success at this level requires the ability to manipulate just about every aspect of when, where and how your bowling ball reads the lane. You can become more adept at doing so by getting used to making changes to your pre-shot ball height.
For elite bowlers like you, foot speed equals ball speed; therefore, if you lower the height of your ball, the ball will get into the swing a little earlier, forcing your feet to naturally speed up in order to continue in your natural timing. The increase in foot speed will translate into an increase in ball speed.
Conversely, if you raise the height or your ball, it will take longer to get into your swing, so you will have to slow your feet down to remain in time. When your feet slow down, your ball slows down.
During practice, spend some time tinkering around with different ball-placement heights, and see if you can also manipulate your rev rate up and down at the same time. Remember, conquering elite lane conditions means throwing hard and straight one day and slow hooking it the next. Get comfortable making changes to your pre-shot ball height, and you'll soon find yourself ready to execute whatever type of shot the lane conditions demand.