USBC Convention concludes; delegates approve dues cap increase
April 29, 2016

Delegates elected, from left, Mark Martin, Frank Wilkinson and Jeffrey Ussery to the USBC board.
LAS VEGAS – Delegates voted to increase the national dues cap and also voted on three board positions as the 2016 United States Bowling Congress Convention and Annual Meeting concluded Friday at The Orleans.
Delegates approved bylaws amendments allowing national dues to increase up to a maximum of $15, and also approved amendments requiring non-merged local and non-merged state associations to be merged by Aug. 1, 2018. They rejected an amendment to allow state associations to have delegates for affiliate associations. Bylaws amendments required two-thirds of the voting delegates to approve to pass.
Leading up to the USBC Convention, the USBC Board asked associations to support the dues cap increase amendment and set a schedule if it was approved – national dues will not increase for the 2016-2017 season, national dues would increase to $13 for the 2017-2018 season and national dues would not increase again before the 2022-2023 season.
Delegates also approved a tournament rule amendment requiring bowlers to report any previous tournament adjustment/rerate unless tournament rules state otherwise, but rejected two league rule amendments. League and tournament amendments required a majority vote to pass.
Five candidates ran for the three open positions on the USBC board. Current USBC President Frank Wilkinson of Staten Island, New York, incumbent director Mark Martin of Waterford, Michigan, and Jeffrey Ussery of Tonganoxie, Kansas, were slated by the USBC Nominating Committee, while incumbent director Anthony Colangelo of Twin Falls, Idaho, and Yvette Davis of Charlotte, North Carolina, ran from the floor.
Wilkinson (701 votes), Martin (629) and Ussery (536) were elected on the first ballot. Colangelo received 355 votes while Davis received 259 votes. Wilkinson, Martin and Ussery each will begin a three-year term starting Aug. 1.
Kendra Gaines of Orlando, Florida, also will join the board for the 2016-2017 season. Gaines, the general manager at Aloma Bowl and a former Team USA member, was elected by Team USA athletes earlier this year. She replaces Andrew Cain, who termed out this year.
The International Bowling Campus Youth Committee members also were determined earlier this year. Melissa McDaniel Morrow of Raleigh, North Carolina, who served as the chair of the IBC Youth Committee last season, was approved by the boards of the Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America and USBC for a new three-year term. Morrow will be joined on the IBC Youth Committee by Chrissie Kent of Newark, New York, and Kelly Marlin of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
During the convention, Bowl for the Cure® and Bowlers To Veterans Link (BVL) presentations highlighted USBC’s support of charitable causes during the last year.
Through donations from local and state associations, plus merchandise sales and online donations, Bowl for the Cure® presented a $618,030.84 check to Susan G. Komen®. Bowl for the Cure® is a year-round fundraising initiative sponsored by USBC in partnership with Susan G. Komen®. Go online to to learn more.
BVL, which provides recreational and therapeutic programs and services to brighten the days of America’s active duty and veteran service men and women, announced it made a total donation of just over $909,000 to the Department of Veterans Affairs because of contributions made during the 2014-2015 season. Founded in 1942, BVL has raised more than $45 million.
BVL also honored the top state and local associations for their contributions. The top state association contributors were: California, $119,686; Michigan, $56,484; Virginia, $45,960; Texas, $38,535; and Tennessee, $31,571. The top local associations were: Nation’s Capital Area (Va.) USBC, $23,448; Citrus Belt (Calif.) USBC, $18,303; Metro Detroit USBC, $17,099; Metro Phoenix USBC, $15,763; and San Diego USBC, $11,621. Go to to learn more about BVL and to see all the state and local association contributions.
League Rules (majority needed)
Amendment No. LR 1 – Rejected (270 accept, 625 reject)
Rule 102e, Item 9, Duties of the Secretary
Requires January 1 averages be submitted and adds deadlines on when averages must be submitted by.
Amendment No. LR 2 – Rejected (70 accept, 836 reject)
Rule 109a, Legal Lineup
Requires legal lineup be present at the start of the game.
Tournament Rules (majority needed)
Amendment No. TR 1 – Accepted (775 accept, 123 reject)
Rule 319c, Average Adjustments (Rerating)
Requires bowler to report any previous tournament adjustment/rerate unless tournament rules state otherwise.
Bylaws (two-third votes needed)
Amendment No. B 1 – Accepted (623 accept, 287 reject)
USBC National Bylaws
Article II, Purposes
Section B, Chartering State and Local Bowling Associations
Requires non-merged local associations to be merged by August 1, 2018.
Amendment No. B 2 – Accepted (653 accept, 248 reject)
USBC National Bylaws
Article II, Purposes
Section B, Chartering State and Local Bowling Associations
Requires non-merged state associations to be merged by August 1, 2018.
Amendment No. B 3 – Accepted (675 accept, 221 reject)
USBC National Bylaws
Article III, Membership and Dues
Section B, Dues
Allows national dues to increase up to a maximum of $15.
Note: Motion for secondary amendment to allow national dues to increase the maximum $1 a year for each of the next five years was rejected. (69 accept, 833 reject)
Amendment No. B 4 – Rejected (150 accept, 726 reject)
USBC National Bylaws
Article VI, Meetings
Section A, Annual Meeting, Item 3a
Allows state associations to have delegates for affiliate associations.
LAS VEGAS – Delegates voted to increase the national dues cap and also voted on three board positions as the 2016 United States Bowling Congress Convention and Annual Meeting concluded Friday at The Orleans.
Delegates approved bylaws amendments allowing national dues to increase up to a maximum of $15, and also approved amendments requiring non-merged local and non-merged state associations to be merged by Aug. 1, 2018. They rejected an amendment to allow state associations to have delegates for affiliate associations. Bylaws amendments required two-thirds of the voting delegates to approve to pass.
Leading up to the USBC Convention, the USBC Board asked associations to support the dues cap increase amendment and set a schedule if it was approved – national dues will not increase for the 2016-2017 season, national dues would increase to $13 for the 2017-2018 season and national dues would not increase again before the 2022-2023 season.
Delegates also approved a tournament rule amendment requiring bowlers to report any previous tournament adjustment/rerate unless tournament rules state otherwise, but rejected two league rule amendments. League and tournament amendments required a majority vote to pass.
Five candidates ran for the three open positions on the USBC board. Current USBC President Frank Wilkinson of Staten Island, New York, incumbent director Mark Martin of Waterford, Michigan, and Jeffrey Ussery of Tonganoxie, Kansas, were slated by the USBC Nominating Committee, while incumbent director Anthony Colangelo of Twin Falls, Idaho, and Yvette Davis of Charlotte, North Carolina, ran from the floor.
Wilkinson (701 votes), Martin (629) and Ussery (536) were elected on the first ballot. Colangelo received 355 votes while Davis received 259 votes. Wilkinson, Martin and Ussery each will begin a three-year term starting Aug. 1.
Kendra Gaines of Orlando, Florida, also will join the board for the 2016-2017 season. Gaines, the general manager at Aloma Bowl and a former Team USA member, was elected by Team USA athletes earlier this year. She replaces Andrew Cain, who termed out this year.
The International Bowling Campus Youth Committee members also were determined earlier this year. Melissa McDaniel Morrow of Raleigh, North Carolina, who served as the chair of the IBC Youth Committee last season, was approved by the boards of the Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America and USBC for a new three-year term. Morrow will be joined on the IBC Youth Committee by Chrissie Kent of Newark, New York, and Kelly Marlin of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
During the convention, Bowl for the Cure® and Bowlers To Veterans Link (BVL) presentations highlighted USBC’s support of charitable causes during the last year.
Through donations from local and state associations, plus merchandise sales and online donations, Bowl for the Cure® presented a $618,030.84 check to Susan G. Komen®. Bowl for the Cure® is a year-round fundraising initiative sponsored by USBC in partnership with Susan G. Komen®. Go online to to learn more.
BVL, which provides recreational and therapeutic programs and services to brighten the days of America’s active duty and veteran service men and women, announced it made a total donation of just over $909,000 to the Department of Veterans Affairs because of contributions made during the 2014-2015 season. Founded in 1942, BVL has raised more than $45 million.
BVL also honored the top state and local associations for their contributions. The top state association contributors were: California, $119,686; Michigan, $56,484; Virginia, $45,960; Texas, $38,535; and Tennessee, $31,571. The top local associations were: Nation’s Capital Area (Va.) USBC, $23,448; Citrus Belt (Calif.) USBC, $18,303; Metro Detroit USBC, $17,099; Metro Phoenix USBC, $15,763; and San Diego USBC, $11,621. Go to to learn more about BVL and to see all the state and local association contributions.
League Rules (majority needed)
Amendment No. LR 1 – Rejected (270 accept, 625 reject)
Rule 102e, Item 9, Duties of the Secretary
Requires January 1 averages be submitted and adds deadlines on when averages must be submitted by.
Amendment No. LR 2 – Rejected (70 accept, 836 reject)
Rule 109a, Legal Lineup
Requires legal lineup be present at the start of the game.
Tournament Rules (majority needed)
Amendment No. TR 1 – Accepted (775 accept, 123 reject)
Rule 319c, Average Adjustments (Rerating)
Requires bowler to report any previous tournament adjustment/rerate unless tournament rules state otherwise.
Bylaws (two-third votes needed)
Amendment No. B 1 – Accepted (623 accept, 287 reject)
USBC National Bylaws
Article II, Purposes
Section B, Chartering State and Local Bowling Associations
Requires non-merged local associations to be merged by August 1, 2018.
Amendment No. B 2 – Accepted (653 accept, 248 reject)
USBC National Bylaws
Article II, Purposes
Section B, Chartering State and Local Bowling Associations
Requires non-merged state associations to be merged by August 1, 2018.
Amendment No. B 3 – Accepted (675 accept, 221 reject)
USBC National Bylaws
Article III, Membership and Dues
Section B, Dues
Allows national dues to increase up to a maximum of $15.
Note: Motion for secondary amendment to allow national dues to increase the maximum $1 a year for each of the next five years was rejected. (69 accept, 833 reject)
Amendment No. B 4 – Rejected (150 accept, 726 reject)
USBC National Bylaws
Article VI, Meetings
Section A, Annual Meeting, Item 3a
Allows state associations to have delegates for affiliate associations.