USBC Convention opens in Reno, Nev.
April 29, 2010

RENO, Nev. - The 2010 USBC Convention and Annual Meeting takes place this week with a theme of "Moving Forward Together."
This year's convention featured workshops that covered such topics as growing membership, coaching and future initiatives. At the USBC Annual Meeting, delegates will vote on 24 proposed amendments related to bylaws, league rules and tournament rules. Additionally, delegates will elect four members to the USBC Board of Directors.
The event also highlighted the generous donations bowlers made during the year. There was a special presentation for the Bowlers to Veterans Link and Susan G. Komen For The Cure charities.
USBC provided live streaming video coverage of the Annual Meeting on Friday.
This year's convention featured workshops that covered such topics as growing membership, coaching and future initiatives. At the USBC Annual Meeting, delegates will vote on 24 proposed amendments related to bylaws, league rules and tournament rules. Additionally, delegates will elect four members to the USBC Board of Directors.
The event also highlighted the generous donations bowlers made during the year. There was a special presentation for the Bowlers to Veterans Link and Susan G. Komen For The Cure charities.
USBC provided live streaming video coverage of the Annual Meeting on Friday.