USBC Rules Extra: July 19

USBCLogoSumBlueprint for success
As we help to prepare you for the 2012-13 season – and it will be here before you know it – this week’s Rules Extra topic is The Organizational Meeting.

An organizational meeting is where the league rules are adopted and, in some leagues, officers are elected. We have heard stories about organizational meetings lasting for hours. We are providing tips to hopefully make sure your league meeting is brief and productive.

True or False : The option that gets the most votes, wins.

True or False : A quorum is one more than half.

Click here to find out the answers to these myths and to see more USBC Mythbusters.

Review your rules
Before your organizational meeting, it is recommended the league rules are reviewed by the league officers or a committee. Also, review changes to USBC Rules that will take effect August 1. Click here for USBC Rules changes.

From arrearages to vacancies, there are many rules a league should consider. Click here for a guide of rules to consider.

Conducting your meeting

Did you know there are resources on for conducting a meeting? Everything from meeting basics to how to make a motion can be found by clicking here.

Elections of officers
For leagues that elect officers at the organizational meeting, click here for information on how to conduct an election.

Starting off, a league checklist
Click here for a checklist of things you need to get your league rolling, and to keep it rolling.

You, too, can become a Certified League Officer

A benefit of USBC membership is the new League Officer Training program. USBC now has training for league secretaries and treasurers, and soon will have training for league presidents.

There is a minimal fee, but the fee covers training for all offices. Click here to get started.

11InRowTrophyNew awards for 2012-2013

Let your bowlers know USBC Special Achievement awards for this year have changed from magnets to bag tags, and the 11-in-a-Row Award is now a trophy.

USBC members get more in return with Member Rewards

Don’t forget to tell your bowlers about USBC’s Member Rewards program. USBC Member Rewards partners have stepped up to support the sport of bowling and all USBC members. Visit and find out how you can get more from your membership.

Coming next week

Watch for next week’s Rules Extra newsletter, where we will cover league finances and provide tools for preparing a budget, financial statements, audit procedures, how to get an EIN and more.