April 26-July 5 (last day of team competition)
South Point Bowling Plaza
Las Vegas


*Click here for step-by-step instructions for the registration system. Please note, we recommend using the desktop version to register your team(s). For questions or concerns, please email the tournament office at usbcwomenschampionships@bowl.com.
Competing at the USBC Women's Championships will give you the opportunity to travel to Las Vegas in 2025 and join friends and fellow bowlers from all over the country at the South Point Bowling Plaza. Don't miss out on the trip of a lifetime!

Each year, more than 16,000 bowlers compete at the Women's Championships, one of the world's largest participatory sporting events for women. From a convention and tourism perspective, the influx of all these bowlers, plus family and friends, provides a large economic boost to the host city during the course of the event.

The tournament is the highlight of the bowling season for USBC female members. It's a vacation, as well as an opportunity to compete in one of the sport's most prestigious tournaments.

The event features four divisions for team, doubles, singles and all-events competition in 2025. NEW FOR 2025 - Team All-Events. Read more about the addition here.

The squad schedule for team competition in 2025 (all times local): 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

The squad schedule for doubles and singles in 2025 (all times local): 9 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

The entry fee for the 2025 Women's Championships will be $55 per event, plus an optional $15 for all-events - $180 per bowler. There will be a $20 processing fee per team as well.

Rules Forms and Checklists Charts and Lists How-To Guides Social Media Promotions

Tournament Information


Women's Championships Tournament Office
Phone: 888-910-2695

At USBC Headquarters
Phone: 800-514-2695; Fax 817-385-8237

Media Requests
Aaron Smith
Email: aaron.smith@bowl.com

2025 - Las Vegas
2026 - Las Vegas
2027 - Mooresville, N.C. (Charlotte area)
2028 - Reno, Nev.
2029 - Las Vegas
2032 - Las Vegas
2033 - Reno, Nev.
2035 - Las Vegas
2038 - Las Vegas